I have a deviantart, Skype, and Vine, all of which are footiebenjammin I have a Blizzard account for Diablo 3, WoW, Hearthstone, Overwatch, yadda yadda I have a twitter @inspiringmeme I also have a Steam account for games like Skullgirls and L4D2, under shiganshina413 or Ness I also use nintendo 3DS, pm me or comment and we can exchange friend codes ;0
It might be too late now, but I don't use any of the old social media anymore sadly. I still have a Steam account under "Yenndou" as well as a Discord, which is Yenndou#0357. If those don't work, I've also a tumblr called snackism. Maybe I'll keep necroing this forum until the end of time.